The market continues to move along at a healthy pace. Here in the Portland-Vancouver Metro Area values seem to be rising at a pace of 5% to 10% year over year. Local fluctuations and market conditions can vary a bit from neighborhood to neighborhood. Low interest rates will always help drive sales in real estate and robust sales will typically lead to increased price pressure on buyers.
Inventory remains tight and many would be sellers seem to be waiting before they list. Holding out for more money? Waiting for equity position to grow so they can make their move up? Still upside down from the crash? All of the above my friends. Buyers are going to continue to feel the pinch of higher prices so they are well advised to consider whether waiting any longer will benefit them. In general this pace of say 7% price appreciation will almost certainly outpace income growth. Some people might be waiting on a career promotion which could launch them into a much higher income, but for those in a job with a steady rate of growth, buying now will make more sense than waiting.
The median price in Clark County, WA is now pushing up above $260,000 and that could easily make its way to $300,000 over the next few years if this trend continues. Sellers should also consider the benefits to selling now rather than waiting. Whatever home will replace the current home will be more expensive later. Those that are downsizing may wait to gain a larger down payment for the next house. Those that are moving up however will only get further behind the longer they wait. The three bedroom starter home is in seriously high demand right now so the move up seller should get listed now before that larger four bedroom house slips out of financial reach. No one knows what tomorrow will bring but we do know what is happening right now; that is low inventory and lot's of hungry buyers.
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